Payment Methods & Tax

We accept a number of secure and convenient payment methods:

PayPal, Master Card, Visa Credit Card, American Express......

1. Pay With Paypal

When you place an order with Paypal you will be redirected to the PayPal payment page, where you can confirm your payment by logging in with your PayPal username and password.

If you are already a PayPal customer, you can log in with your user data and make a payment. Are you a newcomer to PayPal? You can then log in as a guest or open your PayPal account and confirm your payment.

Collections are usually booked in a few minutes and your order will be processed immediately.

As the safest and most convenient payment method, PayPal can protect you from any fraud. Any questions please check at www.paypal.com or contact us at [email protected].

2. Pay With Credit Cards

You can use Credit Cards (Visa, MasterCard...) to send money to our account. In this case, please add products at our website and then select Credit Card method in the checkout page, complete steps to send money to us.

About Tax

We don't collect any tax in most countries at present.

In certain countries, Customs offices may charge taxes on certain types of imported products at certain item quantities and values. Customs offices in other countries may not adopt this practice. You are responsible for finding out the specific arrangements in your own country.